
Manuscript Preparation
The Structure of the Novel
Plotting the Mystery Novel
Categories of Mysteries
Romance Novels
Category Romance
Story Checklist
Glossary of Poetry Terms
Critiquing Poetry
Poetry Markets (UK)
Poetry Markets A
Poetry Markets B
Poetry Markets C
Poetry Markets D
Poetry Markets E
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Poetry Markets H
Poetry Markets I
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A senryu, also called human haiku, is an unrhymed Japanese verse consisting of three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables (5, 7, 5) or 17 syllables in all. Senryu is usually written in the present tense and relates to some aspect of human nature or emotions.  They possess no references to the natural world, and thus differ from nature/seasonal haiku.

Brilliant words flowing
From those never knowing, how
many lives they touch....
Copyright © 2001 Connie Marcum Wong