
Acrostic Poems

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Plotting the Mystery Novel
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Acrostic Poetry is where the first letter of each line spells a word, usually using the same words as in the title


An Acrostic Illusion

Illusion an image conjured by you and I
Lone thought to scan, factual or fancifuL.
Loss to the tangible there's need to fulfilL
Uncensored facets, delivered then in SitU.
Seen only by a fashioner so no other seeS.
Illusion an awareness granted you and I
Only self to savour, not pro bono publicO
Never, bare to the masses, one's seclusioN…

© Copyright: Bernard de Silva. 5/5/08.

N.B.  This is an example of a double acrostic poem.  Notice that the first and last letters of the lines match, and when read, spell ILLUSION along both the left and right sides.