Example #1:
It All Started With A Packet of Seeds
It all started with a packet of seeds,
To be planted with tenderness and care,
At the
base of an Oak, free from all weeds.
They will produce such beauty and flare.
To be planted with tenderness and care,
A cacophony of colorful flowers,
They will produce
such beauty and flare.
With an aroma that can continue for hours.
A cacophony of colorful flowers,
Bright oranges with yellows and reds,
With an aroma that
can continue for hours,
Delivered from their fresh flower beds.
Bright oranges with yellows and reds,
At the base of an oak, free from all weeds,
from their fresh flower beds,
At all started with a packet of seeds.
Copyright © 2001 Sally Ann Roberts
Example #2:
Celestial Dreams
Moonbeams creamy as pie
Racing across the night
On a journey into the sky
Dreams seeking celestial light
Racing across the night
Past Venus waking from sleep
Dreams seeking celestial light
Cast into the dark so deep
Past Venus waking from sleep
To Saturn's expanding rings
Cast into the dark so deep
Catching a ride on angel's
To Saturn's expanding rings
On a journey into the sky
Catching a ride on angel's wings
Moonbeams creamy as pie
Copyright © 2001 Marie Summers
Example #3:
Dance In The Rain
Come, dance in the rain with me
Let it wash our cares away
Drench us through and set us free
If only for today
Let it wash our cares away
Don't worry about tomorrow
If only for today
Along my path, please follow
Don't worry about tomorrow
This shower soon will end
Along my path, please follow
Cast worry to the wind
This shower soon will end
The memory, it will linger
Cast worry to the wind
Sate the primal hunger
The memory, it will linger
Drench us through and set us free
Sate the primal hunger
Come, dance in the rain
with me...
Copyright © 2001 Chelle Wood
Example #4:
O, sleek and beauteous hunter
Who deftly takes to wing
And tears her prey asunder,
A victory cry she sings.
Who deftly takes to wing
This chilly, salty morn?
A victory cry she sings
As this new day is born.
This chilly salty morn
A seahawk silently dives,
As this new day is born,
To feed three brand new lives.
A seahawk silently dives
And tears her prey asunder
To feed three brand new lives,
O, sleek and beauteous hunter.
Copyright © 2001 Dendrobia