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ticket2write featured writers

index of authors published at ticket2write

Angel, Sandie

‘Under My Spell’

Briggs, Sharon

‘Beyond the Inheritance’

Brown, Warren

‘Sensible Nonsence’

Burton, Phyllis J.

‘A Doll for Christmas’

‘Feeling Blue’

Campbell, A.


‘The Witches Kiss’

Davidson, Laurence

‘The Mothership’


‘A Window of Opportunity’


‘The Abduction of Lizzie’

Donahue, Susan

‘Same Time, Next Year’

English, Shiela

‘Penny’s Tale’

Fancett, E.

‘Collection of Poems’

‘When Morning Comes’

Farr, Steve

Brassica'd Off

Flodden, Mary

‘Traffic Lights’

Francis, Alan


’Go to the Light’

‘Night Rider’

‘The Ice Maiden’

Harris, Capt. Harry

‘Tour d’Afrique’

Hartmans, Julie

‘Garnet and the Goblin’

Hawkins, Allan

‘The Reunion’

Heller, Rachel

‘The Silver Maze’

Jones, S. F.

’Last Prayers to Heaven’

Lamberth, Richard


MacPherson, Benjamin

‘Mind Mail’

Martinez, Carolyn

‘Baby Nichalus’

Middleton, Teresa


Muirhead, J. R.

‘Goodbye! Magazine’

Newman, Paul


‘A History of Terror’

Pearshouse, R.

‘Lex Talionis - A Time for Vengeance’

Richardson, Piers

‘Kevin's Story’

Robinson, Stephen

‘Barefoot with Scorpions’

Saw, Yvonne

‘Mermaid Pool - Story Removed (published)’

Sharpe, Jack


Schuett, Trudy W.

‘Saved on Drive C:/’

Spry, Dorothy

‘Early in the 1920's’

Stapleton, R.A.

‘The Collector’

Stone, Andrew K.

‘The Optiontunist’

Tarrant, Desmond


‘Scientists: Their Promethian Contribution’

Nigel Tiptoe

‘River Tale’

Walker, Shanta

‘Sans Surrender’

Welland, Paul


White, George

‘The Light Across the Moor’

Whiteside, Frank

‘Pet Hate’

Yearsley, Lawrence
